Enable blog comments in GitHub pages with utterance

It's been three years since I started this blog using Hugo and GitHub pages, but I never enabled comments since this blog makes use of static pages, some users commented my posts using github issues and I thought it was a good idea. There were many workarounds to enable comments in github pages, but I wasn't convinced. Luckily, yesterday I found out about utterances. A lightweight comments widget built on GitHub issues....

November 5, 2023 · 2 min · 389 words · Me

Blog with Hugo (and GitHub Pages)

Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again. That's in the Hugo website and I guess it's true, since I find it very easy to use to publish this dumb blog when I have the time to. Now, Hugo will generate the static site in your PC but how can you make it accessible from the Internet?...

January 3, 2021 · 4 min · 738 words · Me

In the Beginning

First things first This place is going to be my personal blog. I am going to write about nerd things I don't generally speak with people. Such things include: Emacs, linux, vim, encryption and a e s t h e t i c s. This blog is hosted in github, written in Emacs with org-mode and posted with Hugo (This is one of the topics I'll be posting later: How to blog with github and Hugo)....

May 20, 2020 · 2 min · 316 words · Me